Martes, Marso 22, 2011

Food & Health Top 10 Greatest Food Combinations

Previously on listverse we had a top 10 list of bizarre food combinations so when this current list arrived in my inbox it seemed the perfect complement. Here we look at ten combinations of food that seem to be a match made in heaven. Although I have ordered them to my preference, they can all be easily interchanged. Feel free to add your own favorites to the comments.

10.Eggs and Bacon

Nothing starts the day off better than a couple of eggs and fatty bacon. The protein of the eggs and the grease of the bacon form a great mixture that powers you through the day. It should also be mentioned that bacon generally is great combined with all kinds of other foods as well – even sweet things such as Bacon and Maple Cookies.

9.Butter and Popcorn
  Popcorn was originally discovered by the Native Americans. Popcorn became increasingly popular during the Great Depression because it was relatively cheap, it’s use was especially popular in movie theaters. Now when you go to the movies the spell of popcorn almost seems irresistible, despite its now horrendously expensive price. Butter and popcorn was bound to be a match made in heaven, after all, what is better than fresh corn smeared with butter?

8.Pizza and Beer

Let’s all face it, what is better than a nice pepperoni pizza and an ice cold beer? The hot grease of the pizza is nicely washed down by the refreshing beer. And to further enhance an already great evening, when dining on this lovely combination, throw in a movie, some buttered popcorn, and make a night of it! Just watch out for the calories – as delicious as this mix is, it was clearly designed by Satan himself to get us all to hell faster.

7.Salt and Pepper

The combination of salt and pepper dates back to seventeenth century French cuisine, as it was thought that pepper was the only spice which did not overpower the natural taste of the food. All foods can be better with a little bit of salt and pepper. On their own both pepper and salt can be used in savory and sweet cooking – and in combination they can convert something bland into something wonderful. Every chef worth his weight will use these two together on almost everything he cooks.

6.Burger and Fries
Although french fries may date back to the 1600s-1700s, their popularity sky-rocketed when they began to be sold worldwide through fast food chains, especially McDonald’s. Most fast food chains quickly paired the fries with burgers, creating one delicious meal. Did you know that it was American Soldiers who coined the term “French Fries”, when they tasted them for the first time in Belgium during World War I? In most other English speaking parts of the world they are referred to simply as “chips” and French Fries is considered an Americanism.

5 Spaghetti and Meatballs 

Some claim the combination began in the early 20th century, where Italian immigrants were making them in New York City. However, others claim that the pairing dates back to Old World Italy. Regardless of the origin, the two compliment each other and make for a great, filling meal – and an especially good one for the poor college student.

4.Cheese and Crackers

The classic combination of cheese and crackers became increasingly popular with the development of the Ritz cracker in 1934, by Nobisco. The combo serves as a great snack, especially for small get togethers. Unlike most of the other entries on this list, this is a food combination loved by both rich and poor – whether you put cheap old cheese on store-bought crackers or the finest truffle laced mature brie on handmade crackers – the combination is simple, tasty, and unbeatable for parties.

3.Tortilla Chips and Salsa

Although the combination of chips and salsa is typically considered to be Mexican food, the combo really boomed when tortilla chips began being mass produced in Los Angeles. Now the combination serves as one of the most popular appetizers and snacks. This is also a combination that can be as unique as it’s maker – as long as your salsa contains tomatoes, you can add virtually anything else and it will still taste great with tortilla chips.

2. Mashed Potatoes and Gravy

One of the ultimate combinations, the gravy moistens the potatoes and adds the little extra flavor to create the perfect combination. Letting the gravy poor all over the potatoes, seemingly completes the mashed potatoes. This is obviously such a popular combination that it is a signature dish of Kentucky Fried Chicken. Oh – and if you want the secret KFC recipe for potato and gravy, you can find it here. Listverse has also published a top 10 list of secret recipes from other fast food outlets.

1. Oreos and Milk
The Oreo was created in February 1912 by Nabisco in New York City. Oreos immediate popularity resulted in it being the best selling cookie of the 20th century. It has since been dubbed “Milk’s Favorite Cookie”. The milk seems to be the perfect match to the chocolate of the oreo, making the duo one of the best. But, despite the popularity of the oreo and milk combination, milk and any type of cookie is great – maybe you should try it with the maple bacon cookies listed above.

Top 10 Incredible Food Facts

Food is something we interact with on a daily basis – frequently in fact. There are many very obscure facts about food that are fascinating and definitely worthy of knowing. So, at the behest of Juggz, here is a nice trivia list about food.

10. Coffee

The Fact: The most expensive coffee in the world comes from civet poop

Kopi Luwak are coffee beans that come from Civet (a cat sized mammal) poo. The animals gorge on only the finest ripe berries, and excrete the partially-digested beans, which are then harvested for sale. Kopi Luwak is the most expensive coffee in the world, selling for between $120 and $600 USD per pound, and is sold mainly in Japan and United States, but it is increasingly becoming available elsewhere. My question is: who the hell discovered that it tasted good?

9. Feast

The Fact: The largest food item on a menu is roast camel

The camel is stuffed with a sheep’s carcass, which is stuffed with chickens, which are stuffed with fish, which are stuffed with eggs. This feast is sometimes featured in Bedouin weddings.

8. Bugs

The Fact: The FDA allows you to sell bugs and rodent hair for consumption

The FDA allows an average of 30 or more insect fragments and one or more rodent hairs per 100 grams of peanut butter. I will certainly think twice before buying my next jar!

7. Soup
The Fact: The first soup was made of hippopotamus

The earliest archeological evidence for the consumption of soup dates back to 6000 BC and it was hippopotamus soup!

6. Refried Beans

The Fact: Refried beans are only fried once

The reason for this misconception is a translation error. The originals are frijoles refritos which actually means “well fried beans” – not re-fried.

5. Worcestershire Sauce
The Fact: Worcestershire sauce is made from dissolved fish

Worcestershire sauce, the popular English sauce, is made from dissolved anchovies. The anchovies are soaked in vinegar until they have completely melted. The sauce contains the bones and all.

4. Popsicle

The Fact: The Popsicle was invented by an 11 year who kept it secret for 18 years.

The inventor was Frank Epperson who, in 1905, left a mixture of powdered soda and water out on the porch, which contained a stir stick. That night, temperatures in San Francisco reached record low temperature. When he woke the next morning, he discovered that it had frozen to the stir stick, creating a fruit flavored ice treat that he named the epsicle. 18 years later he patented it and called it the Popsicle

3. Microwaves

The Fact: Microwave cooking was discovered accidentally when a chocolate bar melted in someone’s pocket

This is very true and very scary – imagine what it was doing to his leg! The fact is, Percy LeBaron Spencer of the Raytheon Company was walking past a radar tube and he noticed that the chocolate bar in his pocket melted. He then tested popcorn in front of the tube (surely turning up the power and standing out of the beam), and it quickly popped all over the room. He is (obviously) known as the inventor of the Microwave oven.

2. Peanuts

The Fact: Dynamite is made with peanuts

Peanut oil can be processed to produce glycerol, which can be used to make nitroglycerin, one of the constituents of dynamite. Note however, there are other processes that can be used to make dynamite without using peanuts at all.

1. Coconut Water

The Fact: Coconut water can be used (in emergencies) as a substitute for blood plasma.

The reason for this is that coconut water (the water found in coconuts – not to be confused with coconut milk, which comes from the flesh of the coconut) is sterile and has an ideal pH level. Coconut water is liquid endosperm – it surrounds the embryo and provides nutrition.

Atsarang Papaya


1 tasang hilaw na papaya (kulay berde)
¾ tasang suka
¾ tasang asukal
¾ kutsarang asin
4 ulo ng bawang, hiniwa ng manipis
1 luya, hiniwa ng manipis na parang posporo
1 katamtaman laking sibuyas, tinadtad
1 tasang carrots, tinadtad
1 siling berde (pansigang) hiniwa ng manipis at pahaba
1 siling pula, hiniwa ng manipis at pahaba.


Hugasan, gayatin at pigaan ng 4-5 beses hanggang matuyo ang papaya. Pakuluan ang suka, asukal at asin sa isang maliit na kaserola. Idagdag ang bawang,luya at sibuyas. Pakuluan ng bahagya ang papaya. Ilagay ang carrots at mga sili. Pakuluan muli habang hinahalo ang mga pinagsamang sangkap. Alisin sa kaserola at iimbak sa isang malinis na garapon.


Fresh Eggs: 4
Oil: 300 grams
Salt: To Taste
Sugar: 2 Table spoons
Vinegar: 3 Table spoons

How to Mix it

Take a blender. Put all the ingredients in it except the oil. Now blend them for a while. Remove the upper lid of the blender and start pouring the oil very slowly. It is better to take oil in the container with small nozzle. Now keep pouring the oil in the blender slowly and also keep the blender on at normal speed. You will see after few minutes that mixture become thick and smooth. Stop the blender and take the mixture out. It is in light yellow color. Enjoy it.

How To Make Lite Mayonnaise

A lot of people have a weight problem. They should avoid mayonnaise available in the market. It has very large amount of fats and calories. You can make lite and low fat mayonnaise at home. Just take 4 egg whites instead if two eggs. Cut down the amount of sugar. Use olive oil instead of other cooking oils. Olive oil is really good for health and skin. We should include it in our daily meals. I prefer low fat mayonnaise as it is much healthier than full fat mayonnaise.

Make Mayonnaise More Delicious

You can add different things to mayonnaise to enhance its flavor. For example, chopped garlic mixed with mayonnaise gives a unique flavor. You can add pieces of chicken, olives, capsicum etc. Crushed black pepper make a good combination with it. Experiment yourself by adding different flavors and enjoy.

Cooking Tips

When Cooking, always remember to slice first the first ingredient that will be cooked. When cooking sinigang, slice the pork and beef first, as these should be boiled to tenderize. All other ingredients  shoul follow depending on the amount of cooking time needed.

Cooking sinigang but don’t have tamarind to sour it with? Don’t fret. Souring ingredients like camias, batuan and santol-all of which are sour fruits-can be used. If these are not available, leaves and bloosoms can be used instead, such as the young and tender alibangbang leaves(bauhinia or lubas in bikol), mango leaves and young tamarind blossoms.

Do not place onions and potatoes in the same covered container. They will easily rot. Place them in a container where air can pass through. The same goes for tomatoes. Another tip is to always check if any of these vegetables show signs of spoilage. If there are, use these first and remove the bruised or spoiled part.

Do not place anything salty in a tin container. The container will easily rust. Place salt and other salty items like fish sauce in a glass or bottles instead. The same goes with soy sauce and other oriental sauces that are salty as well. If placing salt in jars, choose one that has a big opening so that scooping salt will be easier.

Because it has salt, fish and shrimp bagoong can stay for a longer period of time without spoiling compared to other foodstuffs. Just be sure to place them in tighly sealed containers. When scooping some bagoong, always be sure to use a dry spoon or scooper to prevent possible spoilage.

Left with excess sliced onions? Don’t throw them out just yet. Wrap them in wax paper and refrigerate. They can still be used up to 2 days and will be just as fresh.

Filipinos love fried food and although it is ideal to use fresh cooking oil every time, it would be vary costly. WHAT TO DO: Refresh cooking oil by frying some potato cubes in it. The potato will remove the taste of the cooking oil and make it clearer. Another method is to mix cooking oil with hot boiling water. Stir the mixture and place in the coolest part of the freezer. Allow the oil to freeze. While still frozen, remove the impurities that will settle either on top or the bottom of the oil mixture.

Achuete is a very common food colorant in local cooking and is indispinsible in kare-kare and a host of other dishes. However, they’re frequently thrown out after use. Well, guess what? They can still be re-used. The trick is to dry them under the sun for at least a day, Store in a dry container and reuse when needed.

Afraid of oil splatters when fring food? Here’s what to do: Place some salt on the hot oil and the splattering will stop like magic. This is the secret of chicharon makers when deep-frying pork cracklings.

The use of spices can easily be abused especially in local cooking. Actually, the excessive use of some spices like bay leaf, kanela(kanhela in bikol) or cinnamon and achuete can make some dishes taste like medicine. Usually, a teaspoon of such spices is enough to flavor a dish. Always remember  that dry spices are stronger than fresh ones.

Filipinos love salads and today’s variety of dressings and sauces are heaven sent. However, salads do not keep well in the country since the environment is very humid. So consume salads immediately. Do not even think of refrigerating salads and consuming them in a day or two-food poisoning and stomach aches might result.

Do not store half-consumed milk in cans in the refrigerator for a long period of time. Rust and bacterial growth might affect the quality of the milk. Instead, remove the contents of the milk can and place in a sterilized bottle or plastic container. Do the same with other can items.

 Lumpia wrappers are very delicate food wrappers made from rice flour(although commercial lumpia wrappers sometimes use wheat flour as well). Since they are very thin, they have a tendency to dry out and be easily ripped if not handled properly. Cover the lumpia wrapper with a damp cloth and place in a coll, dry place. Otherwise, use them immediately and make a fresh batch if needed.

Embutido Easy Version

Embutido Easy Version Recipe, An easy version of the popular local meatloaf usually served during special occasions either cooked as is or stuffed into chicken, pork, or beef
Preparation Time: 30 minutes
Cooking Time: 1 hour
Servings: 10-12 pieces
Embutido Ingredients:
·         1 kilo ground pork
·         1 cup chopped carrots
·         1 cup chopped red bell pepper
·         ½ cup chopped onions
·         3 pcs chorizo de bilbao, chopped
·         2 tbsp pickle relish
·         3 8g MAGGI Magic Sarap
·         1 tsp salt
·         1 loaf bread soaked in
·         1 cup NESTLE Fresh Milk
·         2 eggs
·         ½ cup sliced cheese
·         ½ cup cubed butter
Embutido Cooking Instructions:
·         Combine pork, carrots, bell pepper, onions, chorizo de bilbao and pickles in a bowl. Mix well.
·         Season with MAGGI Magic Sarap and salt. Add soaked bread and eggs.
·         Continue mixing until fully incorporated and mixture can be formed into a log.
·         Cut a square aluminum foil and put 1- 1 ½ cups of prepared mixture into the middle portion of the foil. Insert slices of cheese and butter into the middle of the pork log.
·         Roll foil while securing sides properly.
·         Steam for 45 minutes to 1 hour. Remove from the steamer and let rest for at least 15 minutes before slicing and serving. Freeze leftover embutido and thaw in the microwave for future use.
Carbohydrates (g):6
Protein (g):7
Fats (g):14


Ingredients :
  • 1 lb. ground pork
  • 1/2 cup finely chopped carrots
  • 1 cup (6 slices) finely chopped (sweet or cooked) ham
  • 3 tbsp. minced green bell pepper
  • 3 tbsp. minced red bell pepper
  • 1/3 cup sweet pickle relish
  • 1/4 cup raisins
  • 3 whole eggs
  • 1/2 cup grated cheddar cheese
  • dash of liquid seasoning
  • salt & pepper, to taste
  • 1 tbsp. cornstarch
  • slices (wedges) of hard-cooked eggs (see recipe)
  • slices (wedges) of Vienna sausage
  • aluminum foil, 10" x 12" sizes
(Cooking Conversion Chart)
Cooking Procedures :
  1. Prepare a steamer and set aside. Alternatively, prepare a baking pan and a wire rack and preheat oven to 350°F.
  2. In a bowl, combine all the ingredients and mix until well blended.
  3. Divide the mixture into 2 to 4 portions (depending on how many you want to make).
  4. Spread and flatten the mixture onto the center of each foil, divide the slices of hard cook eggs and Vienna sausages. Place each slices at the center of each mixture. Hold the foil onto your hand and roll until the ends of the mixture covers the eggs and sausages. Alternatively, by holding each ends of the foil, roll the mixture back and forth until it covers the slices of eggs and sausages in the center.
  5. Finally, roll the aluminum foil into a tightly packed log about 1" to 2" in diameter, sealing on both ends. Repeat with the remaining pork mixture.
  6. Place the embutido in a steamer and steam for an hour. Alternatively, if you don't have a steamer: place embutido in a wire rack on a baking pan, half filled with hot water. Cover with aluminum foil (Be sure the steam will not escape). Steam-bake in the center of the oven for an hour.
  7. Let it cool and slice into rings. Serve with your favorite catsup or sauces.
  8. Refrigerate unused embutido.

Linggo, Marso 20, 2011

Top 10 Countries to Drink the Local Alcohol

Alcohol is almost ubiquitous and used for a variety of occasions. Although the customs and the rituals with which alcohol is consumed are as varied as the places they come from, the appeal of alcohol still remains universal. So, if you think Jim Beam is too soft for your palette or have grown sick of the local beer, a trip to one of these locations can revitalize your taste buds and help you come away with a different perspective on one of man’s friendliest friends. Besides, what better way to introduce your self to the country’s culture?

10. Thailand

Yes, it has beautiful beaches and a sage-like people. However, if you take time to venture out from the palm-fringed beaches, the produce of the local industry might delight your senses. Rice whiskey or Lao Khao as it is commonly called is the local favorite, and it is not unusual to receive invitations from middle aged men to drink the local brew. You might go home in a far more drunken state than you had expected, but not without a richer experience.

9. Ghana

On a continent associated with political coups and violence, Ghana stands as a beacon of light. A proud Ashanti people populate its land and have a history of unmatched hospitality. In the likely event that you are a male, an invitation to one of the many home breweries may be the beginning of a beautiful friendship. Through the simple technique of distillation, palm wine is obtained in the purest of forms. You may cringe at the ninety five percent alcoholic content that this procedure ensures, but like they say… ‘This is Africa’.

8. Brazil

There is a kind of Brazilian beauty which does not take the human form. It is called Cachaca and is a high-proof sugarcane alcohol. Given the Brazilian Joie de Vivre, it resonates among young and old alike. If you are looking for a substitute to water, the Cachaca is the ideal choice. Moreover, you will be making friends and saving money. It is also used to make the unofficial Brazilian national drink, the Caipirinha.

7. South Korea

Often overshadowed by its more illustrious neighbors China and Japan, Korea has leapfrogged into an economic powerhouse. The Korean people are known for their resourcefulness and diligence, but an age old tradition of drinking exists among its people. Delve into this culture for a while and you will acquaint yourself with Soju and Dongdongju. Made out of sweet potatoes, Soju is a clear, almost flavorless drink that has been around since the thirteenth century, whereas Dondongju is brownish in appearance and is generally served in summer. Koreans will fill your glass each time it is emptied….

6. Mexico

Mexicans have embraced the drink that the Mayans created with a passion. Over two thousand years ago, the Aztecs extracted a juice from the agave plant and called it Octli, and the drinks of Pulque, Mezcal and Tequila emerged. You can indulge in any one or all of them, but be aware of taking your imitation of the gauchos too far. Mexicans are prone to having a good time at any given moment and will guide you through the rituals of consuming their national drink. With drinking history as illustrious as theirs, it’s best to hand over the reigns…until the next day

5. Ethiopia

Once synonymous with misery, Ethiopia has come out of the shadows. A proud people with a checkered past, Ethiopians are reaping the benefits of democracy. If you plan to travel to this fabled land, be prepared to drink Tej, a delicious local wine which can be quite potent. Served in little flasks called birille, it was once the favorite drink of Ethiopian kings. The only thing you should be worried about is the illusions of grandeur that it might inspire in you if consumed in copious quantities. Even Haile Selassiecannot help you then.

4. Ireland

A land where the spoken and the written word are celebrated with a passion, Ireland embraces the traveler with open arms. The land of James Joyce, Samuel Beckett, and W.B Yeats is steeped in history and folklore. Unfortunately, that history has been violent and punctuated with acts of vendetta. There is no better place to experience Ireland than a traditional Irish pub. Ask for Poitin, a traditional Irish distilled alcoholic beverage which only became legal again in 1997 after a period of three hundred and thirty six years and you’ll understand why a certain Mr. Wilde described work as the curse of the drinking classes.

3. Hungary

With a distinctive culture which has kept it at the fringes of Eastern Europe for centuries, Hungary remains an allure for a myriad reasons. If you find yourself in one of its famed cities, a visit to a house of Hungarian Palinka will warm your stomach. Distilled from a variety of produce including plums, pears, apples, walnuts and honey-paprika, Palinka is essentially a fermented fruit drink. It’s named after the Hungarian plain, but the contents of this drink are anything but, so be aware of the after-effects.

2. Japan

Sake Barrels
Sake Barrels
Whatever your preconceptions about Japan, it is recommended you get rid of them before you visit the country. This realm includes alcohol. Sake or rice wine has been part of Japanese ritual since centuries. The types of Sake include Nigori, Nama and regular Sake. Run into an izakaya, the equivalent of a pub and you can drink sake in its myriad forms. Depending on the season it might be served warm or cold and can go particularly straight to the head after a few cups due to the 17 percent alcohol content. If you are feeling a little more adventurous, try the Shochu, a distilled spirit with 30 percent alcoholic content and all those premonitions about Japanese liquor will vanish.

1. Greece

Bar in Athens, Greece
Bar in Athens, Greece
Socrates was forced to drink hemlock, but you won’t be forced to drink anything but Ouzo and Tsipouro in Greece nowadays. Distilled from grapes and flavored with aniseed, Ouzo is often served in karafakia (small glass container) and drunk diluted. It is rumored to produce the plethora of philosophers around Greece, albeit just for the night. Since the Greeks are never in agreement about the best drink in the world, they created Tsikoudia, a potent spirit made of grape skins. A visit to the island of Crete may just surprise you of the hedonism that abounds after the consumption of the Tsikoudia, but you might be inclined to join in. After all, they started it all. Philosophy, Democracy, Literature… Photo by sp!ros
by Reddy Blair and
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